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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gotta Love Conspiracy

I have a hugh interests in words. My best friend is not a person (sorry guys ::sad face::). It is actually dictionaries. One of my besties is Webster. Webster and I have a long term relationship. He teaches me the meaning of things and I quietly enjoy his company. :) What I'm dying to get my hands on is the Black's Law Dictionary. Why this one? Well, the world that you and I live in is governed by law. And the Black's Law Dictionary is THE law dictionary of ALL law dictionaries. It defines words in such a manner that you wouldn't have even known, that in a court of law, would be considered such a definition. 
I greatly believe in the power thoughts that become the words/deeds you do. 

"Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."-Proverbs 18:21(KJV)

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leave him."-Buddha

I believe people abuse and manipulate words in such a manner as to control those whom they impose their words upon. We see it every day. In business, politics, and yes, even religion. Now, I know the majority of people reading this blog entry are probably thinking, "Well, of course they do. It happens all the time." And I bet most who "know" they are being manipulated in one way or another, in all actuality, don't really care as long as their tummies are full. When people are hungry, they get angry, I should know... ask my friends who fear for their lives when I don't eat by a certain time. My best friend has me down to a T. When I enter her house, she doesn't usually say, "Hello" anymore. Now its, "You hungry?! No? Oh ok just gotta make sure cuz you know, I don't want to have to worry about my life. You know... you might just look at me as a piece of meat. You sure you're good? Alllrright." As sad as it may be that my friends perceive me as a ravenous beast, it has taught me a great lesson. When I'm hungry for knowledge, and I don't get it, I become upset. When people do feed me, but its lies, I get upset. When my mind is confused and malnourished because I have not been given anything of substance, I breakdown and become desperate. And that is what humanity has unfortunately become. We have hard working people in this world who believe one things about their ability to work hard, but fail to see that the kind of "working hard" most do, mostly because they are struggling, in the end will hurt them more than benefit them. For example, I was recently with a family member of mine and he stated he works 10 hours a day, and sometimes 16 hour days. Though he is not old and decrepit, his body is worn, eyesight is going, etc and it all has to do with the number one killer of humanity which is STRESS. Now, I'm someone who had enormous amounts of unfounded fears, that caused me a whole lot of stress which resulted in my having a chemical breakdown. You know when you hear someone "Crashed and BURNED," well that phrase can be taken as the person has failed in some way. For me, crash and burn resulted a depletion of vitamins and nutrients from my system, even though I was eating, and now my body was going against me. But the pain in my body was nothing compared to the psychological hell I went through. And what caused it... stress. Stress from what... life. So now it sounds like I couldn't handle life, right? Well, I realized I was also struggling and working hard and working for someone else and not fulfilling what I wanted to do in life. The spirit that cannot fulfill its true purpose will always be in bondage. Then I watched how everything in life had a system, a creation process. The jobs we work have systems in place. There are those on top and those on the bottom. We, as well as animals and plants, have a system within us of veins, nervous systems, endocrine systems, etc. Its all about some sort of system. And I didn't like the system I was in, so I changed it. I thought about what I wanted to be, and how I saw myself truly and worked hard in that direction, instead of working a job that didn't not benefit me the way it benefitted the ones I worked for. In my mind, the rich and the poor have everything in common except one thing. And that is knowledge. Knowledge of words and how to use them. Knowledge of things and how to work them. They have confidence in the "how to's" of life. 90% of humanity does not. That is why this months "Book of the Month" is "Conspiracy of the Rich" written by Robert Kiyosaki. It is a must read. 

The following video is a seminar held back in 2003 featuring a man named Jordan Maxwell. Jordan has investigated symbols, meanings of words, conspiracies, history, ancient civilizations and religion for the past 40+ years. It has been said, that Tom Hank's character in "The Divinci Code" was based off of him. He is a well versed man in these areas but you can tell from all the years of research, he has found things out that have made him fearful of the "powers that be." Whether you believe in Jordan's theories and thoughts is irrelevant but they are worth listening to. He makes a statement in this footage that I absolutely love. "I don't accept anything." He advises his audience to always "do their homework." Will people do it? Probably not, but at least he and others have tried to inform humanity of the many different way they have been manipulated starting with simple words.

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."-Buddha

Click to Pt 2 when ready :)

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