I’m an explorer! I love learning about new things, old things, weird things, ordinary things, you name it and, I want to know about it. What I don’t like is the same ol’ same ol’. One thing that must be realized is that you don’t see with your eyes, you see with your mind. It is my pleasure and my team’s pleasure to show you the world behind the veil. We are here to remind you, you have choices. Are you making the ones that make you triumphant or destructive? Are you learning and growing or are you slowing down and becoming stagnant? Are you ignorant or intelligent? Do you even care? Hmmm…. Well, I bet you would care if you knew more than you think you already do.
Think… it’s not illegal yet.
About The Rubet Enterprise
The Rubet Enterprise is the world I live in. A fantasy turned into reality. This is the home of whatever knowledge I and those around me have acquired. Sometime it is difficult to grasp something unless someone else shows you exactly how they did it, you repeat the steps and then, using your own creativity, make the steps your own. That is what we want you to do. We want you to think! Think! THINK!!! Explore your mind and the vast space within. The human mind the greatest hard drive you will ever have, the strongest muscle and the most creative and valuable asset you possess. Why waste it?
For those of you know don't know, I am a big exercise geek! As a kid I was overweight and unhappy. So you know the deal, kids like me grow up to be adults that go in one or two directions. Wallow is self-pity or become fitness gurus. I chose fitness guru! =^D Currently, I am working on obtaining my personal trainer certification from ISSA (International Sports Sciences Association). YAY! I am also an Official Independent Beachbody Coach. I like helping people reach their fitness goals and what better way then through a company that know exactly what they are doing. The body is an incredible vehicle and I can help you get it in shape. Having been 195 lbs. at one point in my life and now strutting an awesome 130 lbs. is a great feat. I want to help you do the same. By the way, I'm only 5'2 and known for being a pit bull in the body of a chihuahua. So I go HARD at all I do! A lot of this site will have to do with fitness, the mind, the body, personal development (which runs the gamut), and spirit. I hope this helps all those who take from this pool of information.
Around the Site
As you look around the site, and enjoy yourself. The Rubet Enterprise will never promote something it doesn’t use or believe in, so rest assured these sites and books have been reviewed for your utmost educational benefit. One the right side you will see the Blog Archive, Tags and finally our Youtube Video Bar, where you will find all the videos we have put up over the course of this sites development.
As this site further develops, we hope to bring you more and more information that will ignite something within you to take control of your life and be accountable for all you do. You have this life right now; don’t waste it away on the dead things in life. Fight for the living and THAT IS YOU! Become the greatest at being you.
Tenet Nosce… Know Thyself.