Did You Get Your Interest-Free Loan Back From the IRS?
Taxes! Every year you have to file them. Do you know why? Do you know what it is? Every year, I hear people get so excited about their taxes. "Oooo when I get my refund, I'mma buy me some new clothes... the new Prada bag... the new "whatever". When I hear people say things like this I always think of the Sonny & Cher song, "I Got You Babe," and the lines, "(Cher) They say our love won't pay the rent, before it's earned, our moneys all been spent. (Sonny) I guess that's so, we don't have a pot, But at least I'm sure of all the things we got." I crack up every time money matters pop up around me because this song starts playing in my head. When Sonny finishes his line, I say, "Yeah ya got DEBT!" I'm not gonna lie, it hurts my feelings (yes... I'm quite sensitive lol) that people mismanage their money. But I can't really blame peoples ignorance. In truth, people just don't know. As children, we run around and play and never really think about how our parents are working hard, and probably unwisely, to provide for us. They are doing the best they can and with limited knowledge. They can only teach us what they know, which is usually not very much for previous generations. They only things parents know how to say is, "Get good grades, go to a good school, and get a high paying job." Unfortunately, they don't know that the information they just gave us was a one way ticket to debt and it takes a wise mind to make right the death wish they just set upon you. Well what was wrong with what they said? Nothing, if you want to have a stress-filled life living paycheck to paycheck. How many of you have ever heard your parents say, "invest in appreciating assets, start your own corporation, learn about the stock market, invest in real estate." Does anyone even know what an asset is? Most people around me, in the area in which I grew up, are not concerned with assets, they are concerned with liabilities they think are assets. Consider when you buy a new car for $20,000. When you have it taken off the lot, its already lost its value and after 2-years, your pride and joy is now just worth $13,000 (Buying A Car-Don't Do IT!)
What I noticed and know as an incredible fact about humans is that we are in love with instant gratification. We want things NOW! We have no patience whatsoever, to take the time to build up our future for ourselves, for our children, for things we would like to do like travel, learn a new craft, buy the car and houses you just spent all your money on, now its not worth a jack-squat! People, there is a way to do it. You can have the nice things in life, and still pay your light bill. I'm super tired of seeing people at the welfare center with brand you sneakers, clothes, watches, etc and they are trying to get food stamps. Priorities a little backwards? I think so. People reading this are probably laughing either because a) they know somebody like that or b) they are that person (haha you know who you are lol) Either way, there is a way to live abundantly. It just takes patience. The time it takes... well, that is solely up to you.
If you live in the ghetto and you are called a "hustla" TRUST ME... you got NOTHING on the real hustlers of this world. The reason I said, "If you live in the ghetto" is because the term "hustla" is used most frequently there... outside the ghetto, hustlas are know as... get ready for it...bankers! Most of you don't give a jack about the bankers, ohhhh but you should. They make or break you. Before I get into that, let's go back to taxes.
Taxes are monies you pay throughout the year to the government, supposedly for the betterment of the city, state, country you live in. They take it out of your paycheck every time you get paid and that's the end of it. Then, by Jan. 31 of every year, you should receive your W-2's (A form reporting one's compensation as an employee during a year at an employer or personal income taxation) or 1099's (A form reporting one's non-employment income from a given source for a year). Then you have from the date you received your W-2's, and any other form, until April 18, 2011, to file your taxes. At this point, all of you rejoice. "Yay, I'm getting money from the government." First, understand you are not getting money from the government, you are getting money BACK from the government. Same thing? Nope. Getting something from anywhere doesn't require you to have given anything in the first place. A true giving and getting situation is done freely. Umm... last time I checked, you don't have a choice but to pay taxes. But how greatly upset will you be when I tell you that actually taxes are illegal and in our Constitution, is forbidden. "WHAT!!! You mean I don't have to pay taxes?!?!?" Yup, that's what I mean. But I forewarn you, should you not pay taxes, you will be arrested for tax evasion. "Why?" Because the goons of this world in the banking system said so and you haven't fought back. So may rules are put on you, the citizens, but most of them are bogus! Instead of investigating where the hell your money is going, citizen prefer to just "live their lives" and do whatever the government tells you to do. Little do you know they are taking away your freedoms and dumbing you down. And they have to, because if they don't and you realize you are smart and will fight for your rights, they will be finished.
So what do you do? Play the game the way they do. Educate yourself in matter of business and finance. It all about money and it will always be. The love of money is the root of all evil as well as ignorance. How many of you went to college, can't find a job now, and still have to pay back your college loan or they will harass you daily? How many of you mismanaged your money and now have crazy credit card debt? How can you fix it? If you don't know about Robert Kiyosaki, you should. I love all his books. He has set up a system of learning and understanding that increases the financial education of anyone. He has a great story and great program. Start learning words. They hold the power to your future. If you say you can't, you are right. IF you say you can, then you are right. We can get all philosophical and scientific about it, but why? Just learn and understand something. You are powerful. And even though these goons are raping us, you can still play the game and gain confidence, integrity, be morally just, and freedom. Learn about earned income, passive income and portfolio income and the difference between the three.
For a mental jumpstart, to knock out any depressive thoughts, I suggest reading the following books or listening to them as an audiobook:
Those books should be a good start for anyone seeking some inspiration and knowledge.
Ok so! I want to give you a quick scenario and math. When you go to a bank and ask for a loan, they always come up with some crazy interest rate over the course of "x"amount of months or years. What most don't understand is that when you make a payment, your payment goes to paying the interest first and not the principle (the amount you actually borrowed). So in turn you are paying the bank first, before you even pay what you were willing to pay in the first place. I know people sometimes are desperate and these bankers are "just doing their jobs" but don't be fooled. They know that you are vulnerable and will do anything to have the things you want. And if you're in a jam, and have to pay something like a medical bill (which is a whole nother blog-that system is a freakin joke), they will milk you and play on your emotions until you give in and commit yourself to something you can not pay, ie. the housing/mortgage issue in America today. So let's do some math:
If I borrow $100 from the bank at a 20% interest rate for 12-months, the math should work out as so:
$100 x (0.20)=20 (20% of 100 is $20). You owe the bank $100 that you borrowed and $20 that you are paying them because they let you borrow their money (you should know that its not "their" money, its actually money from other clients like you. When you put your money into a savings or checking account, they circulate your money to other clients to borrow. The issue is that for every $1 you put in, they call it $12 and give out more money than what is actually in the bank. Then, you the client, has to pay interest on the money you just borrowed, but its fake money because they literally just added $11 to your $1 out of no where. This is called fractional reserve receipt money. Basically its fiat money-making money out of thin air. You pay interested on money that never existed in the first place.) So in 12 month, you have to pay them back $120. That makes sense. But why pay them 20% when you can borrow from a friend, parent or hard money lender at a lower rate. Think about it. Pay the bank $10 a month for 12 months, or ask someone and if they agree to a 15% interest rate, you only pay $9.58 a month ($100 x (0.15)=$15+$100=$115/12mth= $9.58). Just a thought. When asking people who are not the bank for money, draw up a contract simply stating the date, names of people involved, terms and conditions, sign and print by all parties involved and you have yourself an active, real contract that will be much better than the crazy terms and conditions, fees, etc. a bank puts on you. Always make a deal that is beneficial to everyone. Make it a win-win situation.
The reason I put this simple scenario above was to make you realize that the taxes you pay to the government on a yearly basis is basically a loan that you have given them and they are returning a portion of the money to you every year. It is a loan that you are not charging them interest for. Yet, when you go to a bank and ask for a loan, the first thing they are charging you is interest. Are you gonna get an interest payment for lending them money? Nope.
The crazy part is that the history of money runs deep. Money doesn't have to just do with finance, it has to do with politics, power, secrets, slavery, religion and a slew of other incredibly interesting and devastating things. The following video is an interview with Eustace Mullins. Eustace was an incredible researcher into the history of politics, money, our government and its development, and conspiracies. With incredible dedication and accuracy, he investigated the happenings of the world government and their intentions and traced them back even to religious purposes. For decades, he was watched by the government; having FBI agents monitor his every move. And with good reason too because this man was setting off knowledge to the masses that didn't understand the world of bankers and that's the last thing criminals... I mean bankers, would want you to do. Should you not believe anything this man is saying, I suggest doing your own research. And if you are wondering how this all affects you, please consider these terms:
• Martial Law
• One World Currency (Has been discussed by members of the United Nations at the G-8 summit)
• New World Order (You can trace this phrase back to Hitler in Germany and George Bush Sr. during his presidency)
It's all about control.
Rest In Peace Eustace (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 2010)
Since you are conditioned to pay taxes, you should get conditioned to get your money back ASAP. I recommend e-filing your taxes.
I had my refund directly deposited into my account. I must say, there was this cool feature on the IRS website.
When you go to the IRS website
(click pic on the left)...
What you think it is...
...What it really is.
this screen should pop up.
Once you are done filling in the information and hit "Submit", you should get a screen like this:
This was the status of my refund. Because I asked for direct deposit, the IRS system informed me when my money will be in my bank account. Awww... so nice of the IRS to let me know when they are giving back my money :)
And lastly, to plan for where you want to be, you must know where you are. The following sites are sites I use to get my finances in order. I hope they help you greatly. You have to create an account (don't worry it's free) with these site but they are worth your time and effort. Enjoy.
Free personal finance software to assist you to manage your money, financial planning, and budget planning tools. Achieve your financial goals with Mint.
Instantly receive your free credit score and credit report card online. Free credit tools to track and optimize your credit score.
If you have any questions, please feel free to comment or contact me. :)
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