Well, this past weekend I was at my bestie Val's house and she was torturing me by making me watch Pippi Longstocking. I now understand my friend a little better. =^P Val has this idea, perpetuated by me of course, that I had a horrible childhood. LOL it wasn't bad... it just wasn't a childhood. Sometimes I have a Michael Jackson complex and sing, "Have you seen my childhood?" Anyway, I digress! So Val decided she is going to give me one now. I guess better late then never. While torturing me with Pippi Longstocking, which we didn't get to finish, she wanted to see if I remembered BJ (ha ha still haven't said his name 3 times!)

Anyway, yesterday, I watched an episode called Skeletons in The Closet. I don't want to tell you the story because I'm including the episode in the blog. But, here was the lesson I learned that shifted my perspective about myself and my circumstances in life. The skeletons in your closet will come out to haunt you and they will eventually tell the truth for you. If you don't want them to embarrass you later on, tell the truth today. Simple huh? You'd think we'd keep it in mind. We know that when we lie to someone, karma is a pain and some way, somehow, they are going to find out. A lie keeps you in bondage.

To get out of the jam, BJ and Lydia had to admit the truth to themselves. Be like them and tell yourself the truth about yourself on a daily basis. And only you know what that is. A truth people reject is "You are already great...TODAY." You don't have to wait to be great tomorrow. Now some may say, "But I don't feel great today. My life doesn't seem so great if its suppose to be." Well, that is your task. It is already great but it is your duty to follow through in making the thoughts you have created in your mind to manifest in your life. If you can see it in your mind, you can make it happen in your material reality. You can do anything you want that will propel you to great heights because no one can stop you. If a voice in your head or outside of your head is telling you differently, it's lying to you. Lies start within and manifest out here in the material world. Even if you have obstacle in your way, it doesn't matter. The truth is, you can handle them. You were always able to handle your life and what you wanted to experience. Allowing other people's opinions of you or of themselves to project onto your life is a disservice to who you are.
Tell yourself the truth. Know yourself and work only with the truth you are, not the lies.
Ok I have to do it....
Thank you BJ!
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