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Book of The Month

Are you following your passion? Have you found your power? 
The Law of Attraction has been a topic of great discussion since the release of Rhonda Byrne's The Secret back in 2006. The movie was a mega-hit. Many believe the Law of Attraction was a scam, while others decided to give the concept a try. I was one who studied the Law of Attraction as well as other Laws of the Universe, and came to find out that a simple principle like, "Like attracts like," does work. "Thoughts become things" was another mantra used often in The Secret. But a 90 min. movie would not be able to truly disclose the Essence of the Secret. To understand and truly work with this Law, one must dive into the world of their mind, with the help of those who have gone before us, to get the results they wish for their lives. I have read many books on the topic and, noticed that the Law disguises itself throughout history. The Law of Attraction is in the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, within Buddhist scriptures as well as in ancient civilization such as the Mayan, Sumerians, Egyptians, and even the lost Atlantis which gave the writings of The Emerald Tablet. The Law is not new, it has just be restated several times for each new generation to seek, find, and understand.

After reading several books by authors who claim to know how the law works, I realized a lot of them didn't know how the law worked and just spit out what they thought the Law was. Bob Doyle was not one of these people. Featured in The Secret, Bob stood out to me when I first saw the movie. There was something about him that made me think, "He is kinda cool. I'll look him up later." But, I never did, for whatever reason. But that all recently change, and it has to do with the Law of Attraction working without me even knowing it. 

The Law Attraction is more then, "Like attracts like." It is an understanding that when you focus your thought, which hold immense power, and give the positive wanting emotion to the thing you are asking for, your object of affection comes racing to you. The reason people fail as using the Law is because of lack of belief in the law itself or in the thing that they desire. Every religious book talks about faith, and now taken out of a religious context, faith and belief is STILL required, and yet people miss the point. What Bob did in Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power, was create a guide to help you clear out the resistance within you that is holding you back from achieving you desires.

I called the book into my life in a simple way. When I first saw Bob in The Secret, I sent out a signal that I thought he was cool. A positive vibe. Also, I have been working with EFT-Emotional Freedom Technique. I first heard of this technique through someone else, but it plays a role in my life with Bob. When I was in the store that I purchased Follow Your Passion, Find Your Power, I wasn't actively looking for the book, I was just glancing around and saw his name. My gut feeling, which everyone should listen to because that's where the feeling of the attraction hits most of the time, told me to pick up the book. On the front cover it said, "Featured in The Secret." I thought, "Oh cool, let me check it out." The second I opened the book, I opened to a page discussing the Emotional Freedom Technique. I knew that the book was meant for me at that point. I purchased the book and completely enjoyed it.

It's not that Bob has said anything new. But, how someone describes something, even an idea you've heard several time, is what makes a difference. This book had opened up my understanding to how life work and how I can create my life by design, just a little bit more, adding the next puzzle piece to my story. 

If you want to have a clear understanding and guide to the Law of Attraction and how to work in harmony with it, I highly recommend this book. If you want techniques to reprogram your mind and release all the baggage held within you... get this book! If you want to create your life just as you see it... allow this book to come into your story.
